Find out what's happening in and around Buffalo Lake. Have something to add? Send news to
Next outing: September 15 @ 10:30 a.m.
Buffalo Lake Paddle Club
Our final planned paddle is Sunday, September 15, launching at 10:30 from the Montello Boat Landing. This paddle is open to anyone who enjoys Buffalo Lake and likes to canoe or kayak, beginner or experienced. Go at your own pace and turn around when you want. Slow down and see the lake from a whole different perspective!
Volunteers needed
Let's keep the momentum going!
We are always looking for volunteers to assist with committees, projects and cutting the grass at the District’s property. If interested in getting involved with the District or you would like to run for the Board, please contact any board member.
New service for lake members
Harvesting Hotline
If you have a concern, comment, question or even a compliment (!) about harvesting during the 2019 season, you can contact a member of the Buffalo Lake Harvesting Hotline. They will reach out to you within 24 hours.
Lake level adjustment made on May 20
According to DNR regulations currently in place, the level of Buffalo Lake as measured at the Montello Dam will change on May 20. The summer maximum level is 8.5 feet. Find more information on the Lake Level committee and regulations here >
Petititon to increase lake level
Update: DNR requests additional information
Last year, Buffalo Lake District petitioned the DNR to make changes to the lake level process currently in place. In March 2022, we received a response to our petition requesting additional information. You can find the DNR response here >
Fishing on Buffalo Lake
Walleye study being conducted on upper Fox River
A new sonic tagging study is underway on the Winnebago System to evaluate adult walleye movement and habitat use on the system including the Wolf and upper Fox Rivers. During fall 2021, DNR staff tagged 74 adult walleye with internal sonic tags on Lake Winnebago. For 2022, staff will focus tagging efforts on Lake Puckaway and the upper Fox River.
All sonic tagged fish are marked with an orange loop tag near the dorsal fin that reads, RESEARCH REWARD. Anglers that catch a sonic-tagged fish are asked to report their catch. A $100 reward will be given with proper confirmation. Find more information about reporting a catch here >
FREE nutrient-rich compost
We're looking for additional weed dropoff sites
Attention: farmers, gardeners and land owners! The harvesting committee on Buffalo Lake is looking for additional sites to drop off weeds during the 2022 harvest season. The weeds decompose in less than one year and become nutrient rich compost. Last year, we had over 1,400 truck loads of lake weeds to distribute. Due to transportation costs and time restrictions, our preference would be for locations within a 10-mile radius of Buffalo Lake. The compost and delivery are free!
If you are interested or know someone who is, contact Gary Kershaw at 608-575-6473 or email