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Buffalo Lake is Now Stocked for 2023

On May 26th, the Buffalo Lake District held a fish stocking event across Buffalo Lake. This was in memory of Bill Lind, a founding member of the fish committee. Bill owned and operated Holliday Shopping Center until his passing. Rohnda Hughs, his daughter, now operates Holliday and supports all commerce on Buffalo Lake. A total of over 3,700 fish were stocked with 2,450 perch, 450 bass, and 780 crappie. 

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Paul Ratzburg, Fish Committee Co-chair, expressed " A special thank you to Senator Ballweg and Representative Plumer for their support of the fish stocking and all that matters related to Buffalo Lake including the business in Marquette County."

Supporting Businesses Include: Northside Auto |   Weezie's Town Pump  |  Walker Agency  |  'Tween the Lakes Hotel  |  Rendezvous  |  Piers Plus  | Kathleen's Flour Bin  |  Johnson's Boats & Motors  |  Holliday Shopping Center  |  Hoffmann Tree Service  |  Cotter Realty  |  Buffalo Lake Camping Resort / Wisconsin Lake & Pond Resource

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BACK ROW (L-R): William Faulkner, Tween the Lakes Hotel; Gary Doudi, Buffalo Lake Campground & Fish Committee Co-Chair; State Rep Plumer; Paul Ratzburg, Fish Committee Co-Chair; Bernie Sosinsky, District Chair; Rhonda Hughs, Holliday Shopping Center; Randy Polk, Walker Insurance; Dan Braaksma, Fish Committee; FRONT ROW (L-R): WI State Senator Ballweg; Al Rosenthal, Marquette Co Board Vice Chair.

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